UPDATED with the audio
Eric Maddox was interviewed again on Pundit Review Radio for the show's 8th anniversary. He talks about the movie, about Robert Pattinson and his love for our very own BellaSophia3530's name. Yes, we asked and she called the radio and talked live with the blue shirt interrogator himself. We can't thank her enough.
You can listen to the parts he talks about the movie below:
Listen to the full interview
Here's what they talked about:
Maddox just returned from Afganistan. It's his 8th interrogation tour. And his daughter was born the day after he arrived! Congratulations :))
He said he had the final decision on casting and he approved Robert Pattinson. He said to the producers if they can have a guy like that attached to the movie it's wonderful.
Then BellaSophia was live and she thanked him about his service for our country. He said he loves her name (Maryann) because he has a daughter named Mary. She asked if he met Robert Pattinson. Here's his answer:
“For me, it was a no-brainer. I said absolutely! Whatever you did to
get that guy to be a part of this movie, I think it’s wonderful and I
fully support it. We’re talking about a guy who is super famous and
really popular. We met for 14 hours, and he focused exclusively on the
project, and wanted to get down to the nitty gritty of the project. His
entire focus was on the project. It wasn’t about him or his needs, and
from that, I realized that this is a guy who is dedicated to his work
and wanted to put in the hours. That’s what made me certain that they
have built the right team for this.”